Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Our Aims

Our goal is simple; it is to ensure that all children reach their full potential and develop their areas of interest and talent.

At Nightingale, we aim:

  • To support each child to become a positive role model and an excellent student
  • To provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes and celebrates our differences
  • To create and maintain an environment where children and adults are able to learn, feel safe and cared for
  • To welcome and encourage participation from families and other members of the community
  • to realise their potential through active involvement in their own learning
  • To be a centre of support where all members of the school community feel valued, secure and confident

We seek to achieve our aims by:

  • Providing teaching that is of the highest quality
  • Providing learners with feedback that enables them to make greater progress
  • Providing all with a rich and varied curriculum
  • Welcoming and encouraging participation from all school stakeholders to support us in our continued drive to raise standards
  • Providing an environment where children’s safety and welfare are paramount
  • Maintaining an inclusive setting where all make progress, feel safe and are valued
  • Constantly striving to improve to ensure that our setting reflects the highest standards in education

Pupils will work towards these aims by:

  • Working hard to achieve our best in all aspects of school life
  • Having pride in our learning and showing it in assemblies
  • Making a positive contribution to the life of the school 
  • Believing in ourselves and learning about each other
  • Showing respect for each other, for adults in the school and for the environment
  • Treating others how we would like to be treated

Staff will work towards these aims by:

  • Creating a stimulating, well organised and high-quality environment that enhances teaching and learning, and motivates pupils
  • Planning and implementing the full range of national curriculum subjects (including Religious Education) and the Early Learning Goals
  • Planning thoroughly to match learning to pupils needs and to extend and challenge them using regular assessment of pupil progress to establish pupils current achievements, and set targets for future development
  • Having high expectations of oneself as a teacher and being committed to one’s own professional development
  • Being sensitive and aware of pupils’ cultures, religions and backgrounds
  • Welcoming parents to work in partnership with the school
  • Listening to the views and opinions of pupils

Parents will work towards these aims by:

  • Supporting the ethos and aims of Nightingale Primary School
  • Sharing responsibility for the learning of their children
  • Helping their children to understand school rules and their responsibility within them
  • Ensuring good punctuality and attendance of their children
  • Attending parent evenings and other functions
  • Support children with their homework
  • Being respectful to staff pupils and parents
  • Engaging in the life of the school

Governors will work towards these aims by:

  • Working in partnership with staff, pupils and their parents to decide upon and support the aims and values of the school
  • Supporting initiatives that ensure our pupils reach their full potential
  • Work alongside staff in a supportive manner
  • Engaging in the life of the school
  • Take responsibility for one’s own development and training as a governor
  • Carrying out monitoring and support roles where appropriate
  • Welcoming parents to work in partnership with the school