Maritime Academy Trust
Dear Parents, carers and staff,
Statutory Consultation for staff, parents and carers;
Should Nightingale become part of the Maritime Multi-Academy Trust?
You will recall that I previously wrote to you to let you know that the Governing Body was considering joining the Maritime Multi-Academy Trust. The Maritime Multi-Academy Trust currently includes Brooklands, Millennium and Timbercroft Primary Schools.
In order to progress the matter, we are required to formally consult with Parents, Carers, Staff and other interested parties. This letter is the start of that Formal Consultation process.
The final decision will be made by the Governors based on what is considered to be best for our students, staff and the wider community. As part of the decision-making process, the Governors are committed to undertaking a full consultation (19th June – 17th July) with our stakeholders and will take into account their views before any final decision is made.
A Formal Consultation document will be posted on the School website and will be available from the School Office and I have attached to this letter some frequently asked questions and answers to outline what a Multi-Academy Trust is, why we are considering this option and how we would go about converting.
We want to ensure that you have opportunities to respond to this consultation. Therefore, a parents’ and staff information meeting will be held on 29th June at 3:30pm and 7.00pm. This will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and to hear from the Governors, and the Headteacher, Mr Coleman. We will also invite Mr Nick Osborne to attend this meeting. Mr Osborne is the Chief Executive Officer of the Maritime Trust and will also be able to answer any questions you may have.
We have included a slip to this letter so that you are able to submit any questions or comments in advance to the consultation meetings.
A consultation response box will be left in the school office. You can submit your questions and comments in the envelopes provided and put them in the box.
You can also post your comments to:
Bob Love MBE
Nightingale Primary School
Bloomfield Road
SE18 7JJ
Or email them to
This is an exceptional opportunity for Nightingale and we are very excited by all the possibilities that will be open for us particularly in the areas of collaboration between staff, learning opportunities for children, development opportunities for staff and financial efficiencies.
With kind regards,
Bob Love MBE
Chair of Governors